Leadership. Transformed.

Welcome to Switch On Leadership

We are a global leadership consultancy. We strive to create the most transformative—and so effective—leadership, teamwork, culture change, innovation, and strategy creation programs on the planet.

Through outsized value creation, we have contributed to billions of dollars of financial and social ROI.

We build transformational leaders and empower them to develop the breakthrough innovations, teams, cultures, and strategies they need to win in the disrupted world.

Forge the future. Don’t fail it.

“A pronounced and profound impact. Exceptional.”


Our Core Services

We are a full-service leadership+innovation consultancy that helps organizations solve major business and societal problems with creative, customer-centric, and self-generated strategies and solutions.

We have a uniquely coherent Self-to-System™ approach that unlocks concrete change, breakthrough impact, and outsized value creation—from the inside out.

We apply our proprietary brain-based method for driving transformation as fast as humanly possible—at different scales and locations within an organization:

If you want to achieve a beautiful vision and strategically break through the complexities, uncertainties, and obstacles to realizing it…

If you want to unlock customer-centric breakthrough innovations in products, services, and business models that deliver outsized value-creation and positive societal impact…

If you want to inspire an audience of leaders, conference delegates, or clients with experiential and transformative talks on the future, and how to seize it with transformational leadership and breakthrough innovation…

If you need leaders who can drive lasting change, transformation, and innovation to ensure your organization stays ahead of the rest…

If you lead or support a team that wants to achieve a big ambition through unlocking more cohesion, coherence, clarity, creativity, and collaboration…

If you want to lead the change with major individual power and performance upgrades that are rooted in passion, purpose, and wisdom…

With our pioneering, customer-centric approach, we build an offering for you that includes some or all of these options depending on your unique context, culture, ambitions, industry, and leadership challenges—adding value and unlocking synergies wherever and whenever we can.

“Amazing. As relevant to the newest startup as they are to the oldest public company.”

Special Advisor, President Obama
Director Of White House Office Of Innovation

Our Experience

100,000+ leaders
1000+ keynotes
200+ leadership development programs
100+ innovation programs

“Insightful and incredibly strategic with long-term exponential value creation.”


VP, Mobile Division, Microsoft

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“Brilliant theory and insights on transformational leadership.”

SVP, Pfizer

Our Media Impact

“Challenging and thought-provoking—and great to see the emphasis on deep transformation.”

COO, HSBC Africa

Our Co-Founders

“Inspired us to continue to work on ourselves and lead the way. The value of the leadership tool was spot on! Thank you!”


Connect With Us

If what you have read and seen is of interest, don't hesitate to contact us and we can have a value-creating conversation about how we can support you.